CBSE Affiliation No. 530100 School Code : 40091
0130-2200116, 0130-2200118, 9992333760


The educational philosophy of the school is based on a blending of eastern wisdom with western pragmatism. As such it is an amalgam of wisdom with intellect. Hence, we aim at providing a harmonious blend of knowledge and practice, development of skills and abilities for enlightening awareness through senses and contemplation. We aim to nurture every child to become an upright individual who ultimately becomes an integral and active member of a larger expanding society.

We educate and prepare the young minds for the challenges of the world and times in which they live. We teach Life by propagating values that are true, eternal and universal. The great minds of history, whether religious, social, philosophical or scientific have stressed the importance of caring for one another be it one's own faith and kin, the society or ultimately the human race. We have shaped our institution as a seat, a base on which the culture of East and West may meet in common fellowship.

Reinforcing Tagore's realism, we have pursued the education, keeping touch with the completeness of life i.e. economic, intellectual, aesthetic, social and spiritual. Our institution appreciates and adopts the principles of Tagore's Shantiniken. We believe in genesis of Shantiniken "Love and Action". Tagore believed that the "Schools are the only medium through which perfect knowledge can be obtained" and so do we! On the basis of this, we provide freedom, creative self expression as well as the opportunities to the students to make them wholesome individuals. We believe that education should maintain a balance between material and spiritual values like the synthesis of Gyana & Vigyana in the Bhagvad Gita. Synthesis of the value - based tradition and the science based modernity is what we are following in our school. Along with the satisfaction of the needs for the curious mind, we aim at the satisfaction of the inner soul through the practice of higher values like sympathy, love, sacrifice, brotherhood and justice etc. so we are inculcating rich Indian cultural heritage, sanskars, values and traditions in our students through education to help the young people to recognize their worth and strength to fight against anti-social forces prevalent in today's world, efficiently and naturally.

Our educational techniques help our children experience intellectual growth and education stimulations by aiding them in developing positive attitudes towards learning the life by following educational philosophy based on humanism, spiritualism, naturalism and internationalism. Hence, we have made our education system natural, effective, original and useful.

The Guiding Principles

  • To prepare citizens who know how to utilize discretion power, the wisdom alongwith intellect.
  • To create leaders of tomorrow.
  • To build persons who can lead life successfully with a positive attitude based on fundamental moral values.
  • To create lifelong learners who enjoy learning to learn.
  • To craft confident individuals who are able to live healthily.
  • To equip individuals who have stamina to face challenges of the present world.